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日期:2013-08-12 瀏覽:618次
In the hot summer, the use of most of the cars and the maintenance of the liquid, with the other seasons are not the same. Because the summer will let your car in the face of strong ultraviolet radiation, and high temperature steam box type burn, but also face the downpour at any time, these, are the summer car deadly killer. Cooling, lubrication system and tire summer in a high temperature environment will bear the extra load of vehicle. At the same time, aging more rain and strong sunlight will accelerate the car paint and parts. Therefore, the sewage suction truck to remind you, summer car more attention, as far as possible to avoid the 6 errors.
A misunderstanding: the encounter is not deep water, direct rushed
Should pay attention to in the car, the car\ s air intake system to be waterproof, because the majority of automotive air filter paper material synthesis, if the air filter is affected with damp, air resistance increases, also aggravate the internal motion of engine parts corrosion. Therefore, especially when driving in rainy days pass by puddle, should reduce speed, avoid water intake system.
Remind: first try to avoid rapid in deep water running, if the car wading, preferably in the fine after, continue to drive for a period of time, so that the water evaporation inside out.
Misunderstanding two: air conditioning is not cool, certainly a lack of snow
In the summer, some owners found that car air conditioning refrigeration not, most probably it did not actually happen to judge for the air conditioning a lack of snow, directly to the repair station or roadside repair shop, requirements and snow. Meet 4S shop responsible person repair master, can follow the prescribed order to check, if some of the roadside repair shop, not only did not solve the problem, but the "cure" the disease more.
Reminder: be sure to go to regular repair shop, please repair expert judgment. Generally speaking, the air conditioning is not cool for many reasons, not necessarily is the lack of snow. If the blind, fluorine, air conditioning in the pipeline of fluorine exceeds the standard, the pipeline system pressure will be increased, it will make the system heat is bad, the air conditioning is not cool.
Misunderstanding three: lubricating oil, expensive.
Some owners believe that no good goods cheaper, so in the choice of lubricating oil feel more expensive prices.
Remind: in fact, roller oil is not the more expensive the better, and choose the suitable models and seasonal grease is the correct approach. Good skating oil should be selected according to the viscosity grade of SAE and API quality level.
Misunderstanding four: air circulation within the switch lock
Some owners will air conditioning switch is always in the position of the inner circle, in this way some deficiencies, regulation of air conditioning should be with temperature and environment. When the outside air is bad, try to use the internal circulation, the air is good place, or with external circulation.
Reminder: after the engine is started, best running a few minutes later, open the blower, and the ventilation window, to lower the inside temperature in the open air, in order to reduce the load of the engine and compressor: first use in car circulation, make the air cooling fast, running after a period of time, to the inside temperature and the outside environment temperature roughly flat, and then use the external circulation, can keep the car air freshener.
Misunderstanding five: car wash, conveniently blunt condenser
Some owners in the car, let the washer by the way in the condenser and the water tank with a water cannon, clean up the dust and debris.
Remind: actually clean itself is right, but not the practice of this carelessly. It should be the first to use compressed air, from the inside out to clean the surface dust, clean up the leaves and the willow and other foreign matter, and then wash water pipe from the inside to the outside, the condenser and the water tank completely clean.
Misunderstanding six: summer must be reduce the tire pressure
In fact, the tire pressure than low tire pressure and danger. Because the low tire pressure, tire contact with the ground area increased, driving in normal temperature not tire increased. At the same time, because the sidewall deformation is serious, wire, ply internal aging intensifies, high speed also can make the tyre temperature increases rapidly lead to a flat tire, and increase fuel consumption, tire life reduction.
Remind: large regular tire store owners to for the best advice, tyres and spare wheel filled with nitrogen. Nitrogen is inert diatomic gas, is not active chemical properties, low thermal expansion coefficient, low thermal conductivity, changes in temperature, volume expansion than air low, reduces the chance to tire. Small deformation, grip ability, reduce rolling resistance and reduce fuel consumption nitrogen tire driving.
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